Restorative Dentistry

Your teeth are susceptible to decay, infection, and breakage. If your teeth need to be restored to their original health, our restorative dentistry services in Granbury can help. Modern technology and techniques have improved over the years, and we can now offer more exciting dental options to bring back your smile.

Dental restorations can take many forms. Restorative dental results can be beautiful and long-lasting, from simple dental crowns to dental bridges and implants for missing teeth. At Berry & Berry Dental Associates, restorative dentistry can rejuvenate your smile and improve your ability to chew, talk, and smile with comfort and confidence.

We are the Top Restorative Dentist in Granbury, Texas

Our dental team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care. We will take the time to discuss your treatment options. Our restorative services include the following:


Composite Dental Fillings

Composite dental fillings are the ideal way to restore a decayed tooth. Not only do they look natural, but we can also match them to the same color as your existing teeth. On top of that, composite fillings have been proven to last up to seven years or more! Whether for an aesthetic purpose or simply for a healthy repair of your teeth, composite dental fillings have you covered, and we’re sure you’ll love the results.



Are you considering enhancing the beauty of your smile with a dental crown? Dental crowns can protect a weak, damaged, or decayed tooth from further injury or give an esthetically pleasing shape and color to stained or discolored teeth. In conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening, veneers, or bonding, crowns can help transform your smile’s look and feel.



Dental bridges are an ideal way to fill in the gaps between missing teeth. They can be made from different types of materials, such as porcelain. Dental bridges also help maintain your smile’s shape and integrity by preventing other teeth from shifting out of place. A dental bridge can last up to 10 years or more with proper care and maintenance!


Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective treatments for missing teeth. They are small metal posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone to act as an artificial root for a missing tooth. A crown or artificial tooth is then attached to the implant to replace the missing tooth.

Dental implants have numerous benefits. They are incredibly durable and can last for years with proper care and maintenance. Implants also look and feel just like natural teeth. They are very strong and can be used to chew hard foods. Implants also help to maintain the structure of the face and jawbone by providing a stable foundation for the teeth.


Onlays & Overlays

Onlays and overlays are a dental restoration used to repair mild to moderately damaged teeth. We perform them to protect the remaining tooth composition, restore aesthetics and oral function, and prevent further deterioration of the tooth structure. Onlays involve covering one or more cusps on the top biting surface of a tooth, while overlays provide full coverage over all surfaces of the tooth. Onlays and overlays are just one way to help maintain healthy smiles for years down the line! Our office strives to deliver quality, minimally invasive restorations that replace what is necessary from your natural teeth.


Full-Mouth Restorations

Full-mouth restorations are one of the most comprehensive procedures to restore oral health, aesthetics, and function. This type of restoration involves an evaluation of all the teeth and gums to diagnose any issues that may be present. From there, a treatment plan can be created, including various services such as crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays, implants, and cosmetic dentistry solutions. You can expect to experience a healthier, more complete smile with full mouth restorations!


And More

At Berry & Berry Dental Associates, we strive to provide our patients with the highest quality care. We understand that everyone is unique, and our mission is to create a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to your individual needs and goals. 


Restorative Dentistry in Granbury, Texas

Dr. Jason Berry, Dr. Elizabeth Berry, Dr. Adrienne Montgomery, and their team combine many years of training and experience with attentive, compassionate care to ensure you always have a positive experience when you visit us. Call us today to schedule an appointment with our friendly and caring staff!

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